
Intuitive Hypnotherapy

Cynthia Smith Chiropractic & Acupuncture


What is acupuncture? 
Acupuncture is an ancient treatment used to move and influence energy in the body. Very fine needles are inserted into the body at specific points shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health problems. Visit the acupuncture page for more information.

What is chiropractic? 

Chiropractic understands that the brain and nervous system control serve as the command center for our bodies. The spine is a dynamic puzzle in that all the pieces are designed to fit together, and dynamic in that it moves. An optimally functioning spine works well, moves well, withstands stresses and returns to a healthy, steady state. If a subluxation (misalignment) were to occur in the spine, neck, back, or other part of the body, a chiropractor applies her vast knowledge about natural, medication-free adjustments and tools to correct the subluxation.

What Is reiki?

Reiki is the art of healing by directing good energy to the body.   Reiki is used to promote the body’s healing by correcting energy imbalances.  These imbalances in energy can cause stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances as well as pain and other physical and mental ailments

How many acupuncture or chiropractic treatments will I need, and how frequently?
The number and frequency of treatments depend on your condition and response. Typically, a series of treatments are needed; results vary greatly by patient, condition, location of the injury, etc. Acupuncture or chiropractic can be scheduled as often as daily or as little as once a month. Some patients respond after only one or two treatments, while others may need several treatments for results to be evident. Dietary modifications, exercise, relaxation, massage or Chinese herbs may help reduce the total number of sessions needed and complement your recovery. Dr. Smith will discuss your optimal treatment plan with you, based on your individual needs.

How long do visits last?
The first visit generally lasts 45 to 75 minutes, depending on the complexity of the condition and the treatment provided. Follow-up visits typically range from 15 to 45 minutes.

Does Dr. Smith take insurance?
Dr. Cynthia Smith is happy to verify your chiropractic and acupuncture benefits for you at no charge. Some health plans limit the number of covered visits to a certain number, while some pay up to a certain dollar amount. We are happy to work with you and your insurance company to make sure that you receive the appropriate amount of care for your condition.

What should I wear to my appointment?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Ideally wear something that is loose and easy to remove, but Dr. Smith has gowns available if you cannot wear leisure clothes to your appointment.

Does acupuncture or chiropractic hurt?
Even patients who are deathly afraid of needles have admitted that acupuncture is virtually painless. Acupuncture needles are as thin as a human hair. A skilled practitioner like Dr. Smith can insert needles into your skin with little to no sensation at all. If you are first time acupuncture patient, you may feel a slight tingling at the insertion site. Tell Dr. Smith if you are worried about experiencing pain, and she will ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Chiropractic patients should expect to feel better, not worse, after treatment. The adjustments themselves are not painful; though not too common, it is possible that you may experience some soreness over the next one or two days.

What is Yin and Yang?
In Chinese philosophy, every entity in the universe carries both positive and negative energy. The negative is called Yin, while the positive is called Yang. They are opposing balancing influences of every entity. Think of the symbol for Yin and Yang; dark represents Yin, white represents Yang. The curved line separating them speaks of their fluctuating relationship, an ever-changing influence on each other. The small dark and white dots tell us that there is some Yin in Yang, and some Yang in Yin. The symbol visualizes the balancing act that goes on constantly inside the body. There must be a balance between Yin and Yang in order to have good health. The goal of acupuncture is to attain this balance.

What is a Cynthi-ism?
A Cynthi-ism is an eccentric, typically organic and unprecedented phrase from her imagination that she’ll use as a teaching tool for her clients. They are simple, easy, motivational or inspirational and hopefully stick – they are her way of sharing her wisdom with a sense of humor.
* You are Divine (her belief that we are all creatures of this magnificent Universe)

* No mud, no lotus. Know mud... Know lotus!

* Be the person you want to come home to!

* Love heals Everything!
* Keep Calm and Choose Consciousness
* Be the Peace you want to see in the world
* Be the Grace you want to see in the world
* Be the Love you want to see in the world
* Be the Light you want to see in the world
* Be the _________ you want to see in the world
* You can worry yourself to death, or you can meditate yourself to health
* You can have what you can have when you can have it

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9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:00 pm


9:00 am - 2:00 pm


10:30 am - 2:00 pm



9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:30 am - 2:00 pm