
Intuitive Hypnotherapy

Cynthia Smith Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Intuitive Hypnotherapy

Hello I'm Dr. Cynthia Smith, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, and Hypnotherapist coming to you from my offices in Intuitive Hypnotherapy. I wanted to leave this short message about hypnosis, mindfulness, and meditation instruction for weight loss.

Oftentimes there are some areas that need healing. Addressing soul work before we can achieve our optimal health and wellness, Our optimal weight if you will. I myself have struggled and I've come to terms with the fact that sometimes you have to give yourself compassion and be willing to look at those things that are causing stress eating, emotional eating, unconscious eating. Those things that wound our souls and make us not want to work out.

I'm here to help you find your victories, to treat you with compassion and validation, and let you know that it's like a marathon and maybe you're on mile 12. Maybe you're on mile 20. Maybe we just need a few more steps to cross the finish line.

I'm here to help you do that. I've done it in my own life. I work it every day and I'm here to help you.

I'm Dr. Cynthia Smith offering you hypnosis, coaching, and meditation with compassion for healthy weight loss.

Have a nice day!

Big Comfy Chair

What Is Intuitive Hypnotherapy? 

First: What Does Intuitive Mean?

Being intuitive is one’s ability to use instinct or their knowingness when looking at or dealing with a particular situation.

Intuition is inherent knowingness or understanding. Being intuitive suggests a person's ability to understand or operate without explicit instruction. We can intuit something based on our feelings or what we know about a certain situation.

An intuitive is as a person who is "highly intuitive." Someone who is attuned to her intuition and has a keen sense of energies around herself. Intuitives are sometimes known as empaths, sensitives, or even psychics.

An intuitive, such as myself, is someone who has a great deal of certainty in her intuitive gifts. We often refer to having knowingness or a "gut feeling" about particular subjects. An intuitive is someone who has embraced her gifts as an empath, clairvoyant, or sensitive, particularly in regards to concepts of the mind, soul, spirit, and other realms of healing.

As an intuitive, I am expertly adept at sensing people’s thoughts, feelings, emotions, and energies both known or unconscious that they are experiencing or processing in their space.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the art and practice of hypnosis performed in a session with a patient or client with the intention of helping that individual heal something on a deep, unconscious, or subconscious level. A hypnotherapist is a hypnotist who provides hypnosis to a patient or client in order to help that person heal.

What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the art of helping individuals access their subconscious minds by guiding them gently, safely, and comfortably into a deep state of relaxation. Hypnosis is a technique that helps people access their gifts and their internal knowingness by allowing them to transition into what’s referred to as a "resource state" so that deep and meaningful change can occur.

What Is Intuitive Hypnotherapy?

First, it’s hypnotherapy provided by a person who is highly attuned with his or her intuitive gifts.

Second, it’s hypnotherapy done with that added level of intuition or with the added benefit of having hypnosis done by someone who is a gifted, energetic healer. Intuitive hypnotherapy goes above and beyond what one might consider hypnotherapy because of this added level of skill, training, and certainty. It’s intuitive healing AND energetic healing with the added benefit of someone who is trained and skilled in the art of hypnosis.

Intuitive hypnotherapy is a unique and singular healing gift provided by Dr. Cynthia Smith. When someone has a session in the “big comfy chair” (BCC), they not only reap the gifts and benefits of a quality hypnotherapy session, but they also get to tap into energetic, psychic, and clairvoyant gifts. These gifts and amazing tools are provided by someone who is a trained, licensed, extraordinarily, competent chiropractor, and acupuncturist.

When you schedule a session with Dr. Cynthia Smith, you benefit from the expertise of a medical intuitive. Dr. Smith knows the human frame, the human physiology and the science, research, and experience of how the human form functions. She has studied, trained, and practiced in-depth the beauty and art of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the energetic intricacies of acupuncture and Oriental medicine.

Experience the phenomenon of the harmonics of someone who understands the beauty of science and research, she lovingly refers to as the “Muggle” world. Dr. Smith toggles effortlessly between the Muggle and the Wizarding world. The world of faith and intuition and believing in something higher and bigger than ourselves. An energetic force that connects each of us and moreover connects us to the universe.

Intuitive hypnotherapy is the conscious business model of nearly three decades of compassionate healing work done by a doctor, empath, mother, spiritualist, pragmatist, and unshakable optimist. Intuitive hypnotherapy is a cause célèbre of a healer who has chosen to elevate her skills in a heart-centered way to help heal her community on a physical as well as energetic, soul level.

We are all spirits having a human experience. Dr. Cynthia Smith has the tools to help you live your very best life and be the very best architect of that life that you are so genuinely entitled to. Namaste my friends.

Dr. Cynthia has trained and evolved her intuitive, energetic, empathic, and clairvoyant gifts for 25 years. If you're living this experience in or around Newport Beach, call today at (949) 565-5015 to schedule an appointment.

A few common behaviors that respond well to Hypnotherapy:

Cynthi-isms:  Dr. Cynthia has crafted some of her own homespun wisdom and uses her catch phrases to help you remember the lessons, make you laugh or think and sometimes a {profound} summation or philosophy of hers. 

* "Be the person you want to come home to."      A loving reminder to show up for yourself. 

* "It takes a certain amount  of bravery to start this healing work."     An acknowledgement and validation that once you've made the call to me you are ready to take the dive, look at your stuff and really begin to heal! (hint: I teach you tools and it ends up not being as gross as you perhaps feared. And I'm holding your hand through ever phase. 

Other services provided by Dr. Cynthia:  


Results may vary from person to person. 

Hypnotherapy/hypnosis are not meant to diagnose, or treat any disease.  

Hypnotherapy/hypnosis are designed to motivate, educate, and guide you to make choices that will help you live your best life. 

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10:30 am - 2:00 pm



9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:30 am - 2:00 pm