
Hello, I'm Dr. Cynthia Smith. Chiropractor, acupuncturist, hypnotherapist, clairvoyant reader, and healer.

Today's meditation is on gratitude. As we approach the thanksgiving holiday in what's been a crazy crazy year no better time than to lean into gratitude. Especially if you've had any struggles.

When we emboldened and expand gratitude, all those things that we are grateful for, as well it also attracts other energies that we can be grateful for.
So without further ado let's jump in. So find your way to a comfy chair or if you're lying down get yourself comfortable and settle in.

If you're sitting, have your feet flat on the floor comfortably in your chair. If you're laying down you know try to turn off any other distractions and just be here for yourself.

Take a deep breath, and just get here,
be in the center of your head.

What that means is be a point of light nestled behind your eyes and in between your temples.

As if you are looking out at the universe from behind your eyes and in the center of your head that's your sixth chakra if you see anybody else's energy invite them out. The sixth chakra is for you and for you alone. Be in there in your command center captain of your ship.

Be in the center of your head inviting any visitors out and find your grounding cord, an energetic connection from the base of your spine all the way down to the center of the earth. In the center of the earth imagine for this meditation that it's a meadow, a lawn, a patch of grass, something that your grounding cord can ground into and we postulate that the center of the earth is neutral territory and when you ground you ground into the center of the earth.

Any energies that you're ready to release are converted into neutral energy. Anything with a charge is neutralized thereby giving yourself and the planet a healing.

Be in the center of your head grounded in present time. Present time is the concept of being here in the moment be right here right now, not thinking about the future, not thinking about the past, just in the moment in present time.

Thirdly find your bubble. Your energy field, your aura, your personal space. Imagine a bubble three feet around you in all directions.

Three feet in front of you, three feet to either side, three feet above you, below you, behind you, and connecting into your grounding cord creating a safety zone, security, protection.

Be in the center of your head grounded in your bubble in present time and allow your bubble and allow your grounding cord to be on release. Release means it has a a chute, a garbage chute, an ejector button, allowing you to ground off any energies that no longer serve you. Any energies that you're ready to let go of allow them to easily and effortlessly slide down your grounding cord and allow them to be converted into neutral energy so simply by being grounded. Give yourself that healing.

In the center of your head, grounded in your bubble for this meditation let's evaluate our layers of our bubble.

Let's imagine that our bubble has seven layers that correspond with our seven chakras. As we heal each one of our chakras we give that same healing to that layer of our bubble.

Be in the center of your head grounded in your bubble and see those seven layers. Just pretend, allow this to be in kindergarten space, super easy.

On the outside of your bubble create another bubble.

Allow this smaller bubble to be roughly the size of a beach ball have it on the outside of your bubble not touching your bubble.

Put the word gratitude in that bubble. You may see it as letters, you may see it as a neon light, you may just see it as a concept.

On the smaller bubble put gratitude and just sit with that for a moment.

Let that gratitude emanate in everything that gratitude means to you.

In that bubble with gratitude add to it any other positive quality that you'd like more of.

Joy, peace, abundance, body level healing, prosperity, happiness.

Whatever positive quality that you could be grateful for.

Put that concept in the bubble with gratitude and allow it to expand.

In that bubble of gratitude, joy, happiness, peace, abundance, body level healing, joy, intention, amusement.

Fill that bubble with gold energy. Gold has the highest vibration of all the colors and it also acts to purify.

So see your gratitude bubble glowing emanating beautiful iridescent gold energy.

In the center of your head see that bubble enlarge by 10 and examine how just being near the concept of gratitude, how it makes you feel in your physical body.

What do you feel what is coming up for you? Are you feeling happy? Are you feeling joyous? Grateful?

Are other emotions starting to bubble up for you? Maybe you're getting teary.

That's beautiful. Allow whatever shows up for you to flow. Be in the moment and know that you are healing.

As you see this bubble of gratitude, see it expand even bigger and allow it to float gently, easily, effortlessly, over your aura bubble. See it in your mind's eye hovering over your own aura bubble and see it at least as big as your aura and if it makes you happy make it 10 bigger.

As you see that big gold bubble of gratitude go ahead and put any other positive quality that you want more of. Happiness, amusement, laughter, peace, givingness, receptiveness. Whatever makes you happy, whatever feels good in your space.

Then when you're ready take an imaginary finger and pop that gold bubble of gratitude and begin to fill in your physical body with gratitude. Fill in your seventh chakra the top of your head.

Allow gratitude to imbue your connection with the god of your heart. Allow it to amplify that connection with source.

Fill in the top of your head, your forehead, your face, and as it fills in your forehead and fills in your sixth chakra allow gratitude, happiness, objectivity, peace, joy, amusement, to fill in your sixth chakra. Whatever you look at with your mind's eye through your intuition you're looking at through the eyes of gratitude.

Continue filling in the rest of your face, head, neck, and shoulders, as you fill in your fifth chakra with gratitude. Your fifth chakra is about giving and receiving communication. Speaking your truth, asking for what you need, in turn it allows you to hear others needs. Hear what they're saying, what's on their heart, what they're grateful for. So as we heal our fifth chakra it allows us to open up our communication space.

As we continue to fill in with gratitude, we fill in our shoulders, all the way down our arms, to our hands, and fingers. Our arms are our creative channels. What are we going to create from gratitude? From joy? From peace? from happiness?

As we continue to fill in our upper torso, our chest, upper back, our hearts face. As we fill our hearts with gratitude, we can give and receive gratitude in our hearts face. As we give and receive love and that opens that up to expand even more.

As we continue to fill in our torso, our stomach, our mid-back filling in our third chakra, our will, our drive, our desires, our determination. When we work on our desires from gratitude it allows those things that we create to expand because we appreciate and we're grateful and allows god to expand for us and allows us to share that with others easily and effortlessly.

As you continue to fill in your low back, your low belly, this is where we have our second chakra. This is our relationship space. Where we can share gratitude and be grateful for the relationships in our lives. From those deep important relationships to random people that we meet at the store or at the bus stop. Being able to share gratitude and receive gratitude in our relationship space allows those relationships to heal and expand.

Then to fill in our low back, our hips, our first chakra with gratitude. This is our most primitive needs. Body level healing, food, water, air, shelter.

At a time when things are uncertain, for many being grateful in our first chakra and taking care of ourselves allows us to receive healing and also share healing.

So as you fill in with gratitude in your first chakra allow that to expand for you and then fill in your hips, thighs, knees, lower legs, feet, and ankles all the way down to your toes with this glorious gold gratitude energy.

Our legs, our hips, and feet are all about taking our next step.
So as we move forward with grace and ease we can do so with gratitude and wherever we go with gratitude. We are lining our path with appreciation and we are inviting the universe to match.

Then as we fill in the rest of our bubble with all that beautiful gold gratitude energy, allow it to sit in your physical space, in your bubble, and feel it expand out. Expand out like tendrils of light energy.

Wherever you go you are leaving little bits of stardust of gratitude, joy, appreciation, love without saying a word and by doing so you are attracting those that will also have gratitude, appreciation, healing, and love into your sphere and thereby expanding it for everyone.

Be in your bubble grounded in present time just percolating at gratitude in all those positive qualities that you want more of and that you want to share. Be the gratitude you want to see in the world, be the joy you want to see in the world, be the healing you want to see in the world.

As you take a deep breath in, allow it to imbue every one of your cells and as you sparkle on the inside and you show it on the outside.

Thank you for sharing part of your day with me. I'm Dr. Cynthia Smith. I'm grateful that you've tuned in and I'm even more grateful if you like and subscribe. Thank you!




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